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For Sale
Tasman Road, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650
Price: $POA
PropertyID: 00147NSW
Property Type: Acreage
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 470 km's south of Sydney
Prestige Acreage Property for Immediate Sale
Position Position Position
Rarely Available Blue Chip Investment
Subdivision Potential is Assured **** Attention Developers ****

Prestige Block of some 97 acres within the city limits of the beautiful New South Wales City of Wagga Wagga on the Murrumbidgee River.

Property: “Springfield” Horse Stabling and Training Complex situated on Tasman Road Gumly Gumly Wagga Wagga. Consists of Farmlet with home plus stables, sheds, fences and many farm improvements.

The Home: (129 square metres) with three bedrooms. Has a lovely garden with many varieties of trees and shrubs. The Stables has 7 stalls plus a feed room with covered work areas.

The Land: Virtually level ground with the home on a slight rise.
There are some sixteen paddocks with mainly concrete and steel posts most of which have electrified fencing. Water to most paddocks is provided from a 7.5 metre deep well equipped with an electric pump. About 18 hectares are cultivated to oats, wheat and permanent lucerne.

Location: On the Sturt Highway (main road to Melbourne) approx. 5km. from the City centre and 5km. to the Wagga airport. The property has three-road frontage to adjoining developed industrial and commercial land

Services: Connected to the property are town water, electricity, telephone and LP gas. Sewage is adjacent to the northern, southern and western boundaries of the property and it is envisaged upgrading to full sewage will take place in the near future.

Land Area: 37.58 hectares (97 acres)

Zoning: Subdivision approval has been granted on part of lot 21 comprising 7 acres (2.89ha.) and is listed as commercial/light industrial and fronts the Sturt Highway. The balance of Lot 21 - that is 37 acres (13.04ha) - is the house block and is surrounded by industrial properties. The balance of Lot 1 of 53 acres (21.65ha) is rural land. This large and unique parcel of land so close to the City centre has enormous future subdivision potential.

PRICE: Price on Application

Peter Friedlieb 02 69211733, Gordon Day 02 69247268, Billy Day 02 69227221

Wagga Wagga City
Heart of the Riverina District

Wagga Wagga located on the southwest slopes area on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River is the largest inland City in the State of New South Wales. It is the commercial retail and business heart of the region’s 150 000 residents. This region, with the richness of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area, is one of the largest agricultural regions in the State with 23% of all farms in New South Wales located in the district of Riverina. The district provides 25% of the state’s fruit and vegetables, 42% of the states grapes and 50% of the country’s rice.

The City has a population of 60 000 people.
Its Geographical Location is Latitude 35°16’, South Longitude 147°46’ East.
Elevation above sea level is 212 metres.

The city is centrally located about 5 hours’ drive between Sydney (470km) and Melbourne (435km) or within one hour’s flight to two-thirds of the nation’s population. Five Airlines operate through the City with daily flights to most capital cities.

The city boasts several large publicly-owned institutions:

  • The Kapooka Army Base and the Forest Hill RAAF Base both of which are on-line for a huge upgrade of personnel and funding from the Federal Government (this includes the recently announced building of 90 new homes at a cost of $18 million).
  • The Charles Sturt University (Riverina Campus) and Tafe College.

Wagga Wagga is also on a short list as a possible site for one of the States 5 new power stations at a total cost of $9 billion dollars. The City also has a new Civic Centre and Administration Building. The City has many major industries within its boundaries including Wool Combing, Laminex Industries, Abattoir, Manufacturing, Engineers and Processing Laboratories. The city also boasts a very large Livestock Marketing Centre with its unique computerised and electronic sales system with over 1.5 million sheep and cattle passing through the yards annually.

The city is very proud of its lawns, parks and gardens and is often called “The Garden City of the South”. It is also proud of its arts, cultural and recreation base for the promotion of conferences, conventions, special events and festivals. It also has its own Theatre Company and School of Arts and Art gallery.

A truly beautiful City set on the winding banks of Australia’s second greatest river in which any major investor would be very proud to commit funds.

Contact Details:
Peter Friedlieb 02 69211733, Gordon Day 02 69247268, Billy Day 02 69227221

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