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For Sale
35 Olive Avenue, Phegans Bay, NSW, 2256
Price: $265,000
PropertyID: 00441NSW
Property Type: Vacant Land
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 50-75 km's north east of Sydney
Description: Situated on the top of a hill at the end of a cul-de-sac (just of Woy Woy Road) with fabulous valley views. Vacant land 2000sqm, surrounded by beautiful national park in a quiet, family residential street/suburb. Right next to a bushwalking track that overlooks Palm Beach, Sydney, and the Central Coast. Close to buses, beaches, shops, water, bushwalk tracks allowing for a wonderful lifestyle in the booming central coast. All offers will be considered.

Contact Details: Nadeane Fogg
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (02) 9699 1886 Work Phone: (02) 8218 6559 Fax: Mobile: 0404 076189
Email: nadeanefogg@yahoo.com

Please contact me on Mobile

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Page last updated 01/01/2003
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