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For Sale
1A Ellen Street, RYDE, NSW, 2112
Price: $590,000
PropertyID: 00832NSW
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 15 km's north of Sydney
Description: This is a modern 3 bedroom brick cottage with built-in wardrobes and the main bedroom having direct access to the spacious two-way bathroom. It features a modern kitchen with gas cooking and microwave oven, combined via a breakfast bar to the open plan dining and living areas and with internal access to the lock-up garage and laundry, which has a second toilet. The spacious bathroom features granite vanity-top, separate toilet and large shower recess and bath. The gardens are vibrant and low maintenance, with paved pathways and entertaining area. It is within a short walking distance to shopping centre, university, schools and transport.

Contact Details: Lloyd
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (02) 9878 3137 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Email: lloydhorsburgh@optusnet.com.au

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Page last updated 16/5/2003
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