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For Sale
15 Floyd Court, Coconut Grove, NT, 0810
Price: $295,000
PropertyID: 00536NT
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 5 km's north east of Darwin
Description: 3 a/c bedrooms with mirrored robes,1 a/c 4th bedroom or office, (with separate phone line), large ensuite, large main bathroom with separate toilet, huge kitchen with solid jarrah bench tops including built-in dishwasher, microwave & bar fridge. Large living and lounge rooms, a/c rumpus / formal dining / sitting room, spa and entertaining area, 18 x 4 metre carport, 2 spacious patios, large internal laundry, plenty of cupboard space, fully fenced property + security screens, garden with automatic reticulation, quiet street, close to shops and public transport.

Contact Details: Arnie Landers
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (08) 8948 1552 Work Phone: (08) 8924 8152 Fax: Mobile: 0419 675150
Email: alanders@ntgas.com.au

Please contact me at Home

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Page last updated 30/1/2003
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