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For Sale
28 Beaver Street, Clifton Beach, QLD, 4879
Price: $440,000
PropertyID: 00581QLD
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 2
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 20-25 km's north of Cairns
Description: Large 2 Story Queenslander style home 200 metres from beach, large inground pool, airconditioning, 4 double bedrooms, Study, Familyroom, Lounge, dining, 2 bathrooms, 2 car Garage. Built by owner builder from quality materials 230 square metres inside walls with 53 metres of verandahs surrounding. This house is airconditioned and boasts a 70,000 litre resort style swimming pool and is only 200 metres from one of Australias best Tropical beaches in a excelent area with good neighbours. The house has extensive use of Tropical Rainforrest timbers Aquila Staircase, Redtulip Oak Floors and Tirpentine decking and is built to exceed cyclone catogories.

Contact Details: Robert
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (07) 4059 0277 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile: 0419 729831
Email: roblyn29@bigpond.com

Please contact me at Home

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Page last updated 23/2/2003
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