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For Sale
Lot 16/7 Aralia St, Russell Island, Redland Bay, QLD, 4184
Price: $8000.00
PropertyID: 00692QLD
Property Type: Vacant Land
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 30-40 km's east of Brisbane
Description: Flat Gentle Sloping cleared island land,approximately 2km from Barge and Ferry Terminal, Half hour Service, Power/Phone/Water Services, Rates $176 per Qtr, School 5 minutes away. Situated in Moreton Bay Excellent Fishing.

Contact Details: Maarten Vanderhaar
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (07) 3294 7209 Work Phone: 0428 986920 Fax: Mobile: 0428 986920
Email: marann@iprimus.com.au

Please contact me at Home

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Page last updated 30/3/2003
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