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For Sale
, Parklake, Maudsland, QLD, 4210
Price: $375,000
PropertyID: 00794QLD
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 50 km's south east of Brisbane
Description: This absolutely immaculate 10 month old home has everything, bay windows, formal living, family room, tiles and carpet, fully fenced, landscaped, quality Blanco Stainless Steel Appliances, security screens, prof furnishings, huge kitchen. Owners ok with quick settlement. Parklake Estate has its own pool and huge award winning childrens playground (no body corp). All homes are new and no multiple dwellings to be built. This is the fastest growth area in QLD prices still rising so be quick. Phone owner on (07)55298127, Mobile 0404453533 or email annanddonmack@hotmail.com. Will part trade mobile home.

Contact Details: Ann
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (07) 5529 8127 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile: 0404 453533
Email: annanddonmack@hotmail.com

Please contact me at Home

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Page last updated 1/5/2003
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