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For Sale
Taylor Street, Pialba (Hervey Bay), QLD, 4655
Price: $490,000
PropertyID: 00977QLD
Property Type: Development
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 290 km's north of Brisbane
Description: Approved Motel Site (31 units) with plans. Can also be townhouses or units. Will sell the land with the plans and design approval for the motel OR will look at propositions for townhouses on a joint venture basis.

Contact Details: John
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Email: jcw@mail.usa.com

Please contact me via Email

This page has been viewed 511 times since 26/6/2003
Page last updated 5/7/2003
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