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For Sale
, Roses Tier, TAS, 7214
Price: $1200 p/acre
PropertyID: 00014TAS
Property Type: Other
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 200-400 km's east of Hobart
Description: A unique property for a special buyer. 300 acres (120 hectares), approximately 25 hectares cleared. The rest is timbered, including Rainforest. 3 permanent creeks merge within the property near a solid timber home. Ideal for tourist venture and/or specialised rural pursuits. For further details and pictures visit:www.tassie.net.au/~uroos

Contact Details:
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (03) 6377 1189 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Email: ruroos@tassie.net.au

Please contact me via Email

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Page last updated 29/10/2002
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