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For Sale
, Cassilis, VIC, 3898
Price: $60,000
PropertyID: 00143VIC
Property Type: Acreage
Bedrooms: N/A
Bathrooms: N/A
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 200-400 km's east of Melbourne
Description: 38 acres of land, consisting of two hills and a gully in an area of average 800mm raunfall. 2/3 rds of the property covered by natural bush. A small dam. Track right round so that most of the property can be accessed by four wheel drive. Much of the property has been planted with Tagasaste hedgerows and about 300 apple trees, some soft fruit and nut trees. There are two small sheds of about 10feet square, and a 20 foot by 40 foot shearing shed/workshop with concrete floor, no water tanks to catch the roof water. The dwelling is a caravan with wooden built in annexe and a small shed behind with concrete floor, which is the laundry and bathroom facility. There is no power or reticulated water and is located in a designated fruit fly area, which inhibits where the apples may be sold if grown as organic, which is the case.

Contact Details: C Schroeder
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (03) 5159 4460 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Email: Ariestao1@bigpond.com

Please contact me via Email

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Page last updated 29/10/2002
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