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For Rent
, Caulfield, Vic, 3162
Price: $650.00 per week
PropertyID: 00510VIC
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Energy Rating:
This property is: 5 km's south east of Melbourne
Description: Classic double fronted Victorian home located in Caulfield, Melbourne. Close to transport, public & private schools. Comprising arched entrance hall with leadlight front entrance, formal dining, formal sitting room, 4 large bedrooms (builtin robes), 2 bathrooms (ensuite to master), fully renovated kitchen,large family room, open fire place, ducted vacuum, security system, maintained garden and Red Cedar hot tub all situated in cul de sac street. Available from 25 Jan 2003( can do furnished or unfurnished.

Contact Details: Vicky
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (03) 9528 5535 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile: 0408 578898
Email: suvegesfamily@hotmail.com

Please contact me via Email

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Page last updated 23/1/2003
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