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For Sale
Hesford Street, Perenjori, WA, 6620
Price: $30,000
PropertyID: 00608WA
Property Type: House
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 350 km's north east of Perth
Description: This Fibro Cottage style home is on a 1/3 of an acre in the town of Perenjori. It has a ramp for a wheelchair or pram easy access and a grab rail in the shower area. There is a sliding door from the lounge, out onto a patio area. This is a must to see!

Contact Details: Beryl Gellatly
Real Estate Agent:
Home Phone: (08) 9973 1342 Work Phone: Fax: Mobile:
Email: triplej@wn.com.au

Please contact me at Home

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Page last updated 23/2/2003
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