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New South Wales
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For Sale
Lot 4 Willows Road, The Pocket, NSW, 2483

Property Summary Advertiser Contact Details
Price: $500,000
PropertyID: 00526NSW
Property Type: House
, 2 Acres
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 1
Energy Rating: N/A
This property is: 950 km's North East of Sydney

Leigh Wilkes

Home Phone: 0405 123504
Work Phone:
Mobile: 0405 123504
Preferred Contact: on Mobile

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Lot 4 Willows Road, The Pocket Byron Shire $500,000 Negotiable for only serious Buyer Owner's must sell their Gold Mine!!!!!!!! Not too Big not too Small…Quiet elevated 100 year old Queenslander residing on 2 Rich Soil Acres overlooking the green pastoral lands of The Pocket. Willows road is its own serviced road off 'The Pocket' road guaranteeing your complete privacy. The 2 Acres is completely useable and because of the very fertile soil would be perfect for your very own market gardens or vegetable patch as the land is completely flat and very fruitful. In fact, the land was once used as market gardens by a previous owner. This property is located 3 minutes from the beautiful beaches of Byron Shire’s glorious coastline. Whilst only 20 minutes north of Byron Bay, the closest coastal town is Brunswick Heads which is where the 'locals go'. Seafood is abundant in this very special area and the Brunswick River is absolutely pristine and perfect for swimming, boating and fishing. Markets, cafes, restaurants and the famous Brunswick Hotel (with regular live acts) create an atmosphere that is very relaxing and not surpassed in Australia. Billinudgel, the closest town (1 minute away) is the last frontier town in Australia, another 1 minute away to the east lies Ocean Shores a modern coastal housing development set up around the famous Ocean Shores Country Club. A further 10 minutes south is Mullumbimby, celebrated as the capital of alternative lifestyles in Australia and Mt Warning is literally just over the mountains to the west. In the other direction heading north, is the Tweed Coast with some of the most pure coastal towns like Cabarita, Kingscliffe and Pottsville. The Coolangatta airport is 25 minutes away on the new Pacific highway and if you keep travelling north 25 more minutes you will arrive at Surfers Paradise. On the same Pacific highway, Brisbane City central is a short 1.5 hour drive. Forget Byron Bay, live where the locals live away from the hustle and bustle and create your own Home. The property is complete with a historic Queenslander which has 5 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a large kitchen, lounge room and large balcony to enjoy the late afternoon sun sets and country outlook. Cable TV is available. Also, the resident Ride on Mower (John Deere 14.5 hp) and Davey Firefighting Pump (brand new) will be available to serious Buyers. Equipped with a bio cycle and 32,000 litres of water for day to day living this property is perfect for the family that wants to get away from it all but have access to everything from Australia's finest beach town's and wilderness to major cities and the renowned Gold Coast. A little work to the old Queenslander would restore it back to its natural beauty and add loads of value to this property. The house resides along Willows Road which is approximately 400 meters from the Pocket road ensuring that you and your neighbour have complete privacy. If you are looking for a Gold Mine and something very unique, great locality, loves nature, the beach and the recluse of a country lifestyle this 2 acre property is a must. There is just simply just not 2 beautiful acres like this close to the beach any more.

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